Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

True Way to Get Rid of Cellulite: cellulite exercise - Skin-Level Muscle Toning

cellulite excercise
Cellulite exercise

This puzzling aspect of cellulite is one of the top reasons so many 'cellulite treatment' products can be marketed so cleverly to the intended market: - women of all ages who struggle with cellulite.

My goal for this article is to give you a clear understanding of what causes the dimpled look of skin (what is commonly referred to as cellulite) - in women of all ages.

Let start with the younger woman. It's not uncommon for teens to have cellulite. Though less prevalent in this age group - there are females who are not overweight - have a great shape to their body - but have the bumpy, dimpled texture of skin - in the butt and thigh region.

'Genetics'... My A$%!...

All too often this is labeled as being caused by "genetics" - as in 'being handed down from the mother or grandmother'...

Most of the time this is only partially correct. And here's why...

It's not the appearance of the skin that's been passed down genetically - but rather, its the natural level of muscle tone (I'm not talking about muscle bulk) - or lack of muscle tone in this case - that leaves a very soft and 'mushy' base for the skin to rest on.

Since the muscle structure directly beneath the 'cellulite' skin area has a tendency to be more atrophied in some women (this can be tied to genetics) - the out layer of skin simply has no choice but to 'pucker' and dimple - instead of laying smoothly tightened around well-toned, firmly lifted muscles.

The good news is that with the RIGHT exercises (anti cellulite exercises) - a young woman can get her muscles to respond. And by stimulating these muscle layers directly - atrophy is reversed and a natural toning, shaping and lifting effect occurs - resulting in a structural smoothing of each layer of the 'dermis' - which ultimately shows as a 'leveling' effect on the outermost layer of the skin - the one you see when you look in the mirror.

I'll talk more about specific exercise principles and 'cellulite exercise' misunderstandings in future issues - but for now, it's time to address the issue of 'old' cellulite - more often associated with the 'mature' age group - 40′s, 50′s, 60′s, etc...

To keep this article focused - I'm going to address the type of woman who was never really overweight - maintains a nice figure - and is quite happy with how she looks when fully dressed.

It's not uncommon for this type of woman to have great looking skin, with no signs of cellulite - only to start developing it as she approaches and goes through middle age... And this can happen with no change in weight. (and it can even happen if weight is lost - which is another topic I'll address in a future issue... )

"How does this happen?

Where do these lumps, bumps and ripples come from?

What's happening to my body?!!"

Not to fret...

The answer is easy. The reason is simple. And the remedy is basic physiology in action.

Around middle age is when the aging process starts to become evident and physiological changes result in 'symptoms' of physical decline...

One of the most common is muscular atrophy (your muscles get smaller, softer, flatter and weaker).

So, we can watch a young woman go through her teens, early adulthood maybe through a pregnancy or 2 - without so much as a spot of cellulite. For her - having tightly smoothed - great looking skin is something she is used to... But...

Middle-age then rolls around - and without the right type of exercise routine - the muscle layers in all the female trouble spot zones begin to atrophy. They get flatter, they become 'limp' - and hey slowly get weaker.

This allows the skin that covers those muscle areas to get saggy, soft and dimply. The un-toned state of the underlying muscle layers - basically leaves the skin 'hanging' and without a firm base, the uneven texture is a natural side effect that is commonly know as cellulite.

So, what this ultimately shows us is that - the appearance of cellulite in a 17 year old as compared to a 72 year old is caused by the exact same thing: soft, undeveloped, flat, and limp muscle layers directly beneath the cellulite areas.

The bogus marketing ploys that we see, hear and read about in all of the media is simply geared toward forcing you to believe why some passive method or some superficial treatment is going to get rid of your cellulite. Even the gimmick of 'internal flushing of built-up toxins' tries to make you think that such a thing can happen to your body and that's why you have cellulite... BUT...

You are smarter than that... and...

You Are Smarter Than 'Them' Now

So, with the cause of cellulite being directly tied to the condition of the muscle layers - you can be sure that the only proven way to reverse it is through a targeted and focused exercise routine. An anti-cellulite exercise routine that stimulates muscle toning, firming and lifting - naturally resulting in the beautiful smoothing and tightening effect on the outer layer of your skin - ultimately, getting rid of cellulite.

This basic physiological response has no age exclusions. The stimulus/response action of a muscle is the same no matter how old you are or how young you are.

The only thing you need to be sure of is that you are following a program specifically designed as a proven anti cellulite exercise routine, such as NAKED BEAUTY.

An Anti-Cellulite Diet?

At least once a day we get an email question asking "Is there such thing as an Anti-Cellulite Diet?"

The truth answer is "Yes." But it's not really a "diet"... It's more like a nutrient dense, high quality way of eating (NOT for weight loss). HOWEVER - this way of eating is only most effective when it is added to a cellulite-specific exercise method...

So, unless you are providing the right stimulation to the muscle layers of your trouble spots and problem areas - then the "anti-cellulite diet" isn't going to do much for you (Although it is very good for long term health, energy and hormone regulation). learn more home remedies for cellulite

Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

How to Effectively Get Rid of Cellulite

Get Rid of Cellulite
Cellulite is a very unpleasant skin condition that can appear on your thighs and legs which can really take a toll on your confidence. There are many women who have cellulite, and though it might seem like a very difficult skin condition to eliminate, there are so many methods that are very effective. The best method to eliminate cellulite would have to be by exercising regularly. However, not every type of exercise is effective when it comes to eliminating cellulite which is why it is recommended to learn about the best exercises for cellulite. Aside from exercising, there are also so many other methods that have proven to effectively and safely get rid of cellulite.

Exercises The Get Rid Of Cellulite

- Squats

Squats are also an effective exercise that will benefit you with your cellulite in many ways, because it focuses on the legs and thighs. By doing Squats everyday, your thighs, core, and legs will most likely get toned eliminating the cellulite in your body. Squats are considered to be one of the most effective exercise, because they offer results quite quickly. When you do this exercise often, your hips will tremendously tone and even increase in size.

- Burpees

Since this exercise is quite tiring, you will likely be able to shed off so much weight aside from just losing cellulite. Burpees is an effective cardiovascular exercise that also let's you build up muscle. To start, you should do about 20 Burpees every other day. As you get much stronger and get used to the exercise, challenge yourself by doing 30 Burpees or more. Remember, if you decide to see results faster, you'll need to work really hard.

- Jump Squats

Jump squats also are a very popular and effective cardio exercise for cellulite as it consists with the movement of the entire body. Basically, what you have to do is squat the way you would normally, but simply jump up when you go up. This exercise strengthens your knees, burn your cellulite fats, tightens your core, and tones your thighs. This exercise could easily be done anywhere you desire, because it doesn't involve the usage of any equipment whatsoever.

- Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers also are very effective for cellulite removal, but it also helps promote fat loss as well because it eliminates body fats on every part of the body. This workout will tighten your core, strengthen your legs, and even eliminate your cellulite fats as well. Basically, to do this workout, you will have to go down to a regular push up position, but instead of going down, simply just kick your legs upward and downward. This exercise might pump your heart a bit but it is so worth doing.

Other Ways To Get Rid Of Cellulite

- Body Wrap

The body wrap method is probably the most least tiring and least messy method for cellulite removal, but it does take a while to actually see visible results. Basically, this method involves wrapping the legs or areas with cellulite with a body plastic wrapper where the spa applies a cream in between the plastic. It is a very safe and simple treatment for cellulite removal, and after a couple sessions, it will show actual results. Body wraps can be applied by anyone, but you just need to make sure that the cream you use is very effective for cellulite removal.

- Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a very effective plant that not only eliminates cellulite, but also tightens the skin of the affected area. What you need to do is squirt a fresh plant from all its juice, and then apply it on your cellulite. In less than 5 minutes, you will feel the skin to tighten and smoothen. The great thing about aloe vera is the fact that it will also moisturize your skin because of its high anti oxidant content and anti inflammatory properties as well. This is a very effective moisturizer that you can apply to your body wrap as well.

- Laser Treatment

Laser treatments are also considered to be a very effective method when eliminating cellulite. Laser treatment basically involves using the laser applied directly to your cellulite. This is a very effective treatment that has proven to already eliminate an array of women's cellulite.

The best part about these methods would have to be the fact that they do not harm the skin whatsoever. know more about home remedies for cellulite naturally

Sabtu, 25 Mei 2013

Get Rid Of Cellulite Fast - How To Treat Cellulite At Home The Natural Way!

Get Rid Of Cellulite Fast
Cellulite is a skin condition that occurs in the majority of adult women. It is characterized by dimpling and nodularity and appears mainly in the lower limbs, creating an orange peel-like appearance.

Cellulite develops in stages. The first stage is caused by small imbalances in the cells and capillaries, due to poor blood circulation. At this point, action should be taken in order to eliminate the causes that led to the reduction of blood flow. If the condition is left untreated, the body reacts by isolating the areas where the structure of cells has been altered, giving rise to the second stage of cellulite: This stage is characterized by the production of new collagen fibers that are responsible for encapsulating the affected areas. The third stage is characterized by the formation of nodules that become bigger and more painful and spread over the thighs, knees, hips, and in some cases, even the abdomen.

More specifically, here are the three types or stages of cellulite: edemateous, fibrous and sclerotic.

    Edematous (first stage or type): the problem is not visible during standing, walking and lying down and is only visible if you apply pressure to the skin. However, your legs and feet may feel heavy.
    Fibrous (second stage or type): the "orange peel look" becomes visible on the thighs, hips and buttocks. The skin is very sensitive and you may feel pain, if you press it.
    Sclerotic (third stage or type): the deformation of the skin is clearly visible and the skin feels hard. The connective tissue is soft and flabby. The afflicted parts of the body feel uncomfortably heavy.

How to get rid of cellulite:

Following an alkaline diet and reducing acidity is very helpful, if you want to get rid of cellulite. The minerals that can help the body neutralize acidity are calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, copper, iron and manganese.

Alkaline foods: onions, beans, garlic, soy products, eggs, almonds, Brazil nuts, dried fruit, non-carbonated mineral water, herbal teas.

Acid-forming foods to avoid: meat, cheese, peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, sugar, white flour, coffee, chocolate, alcohol, carbonated drinks, cheap refined oil, margarine and most cooked foods.

Another important step in fighting this condition is physical activity. Leading a sedentary lifestyle can cause muscle atrophy. As a result, the connective tissue becomes flaccid and soft and blood circulation becomes very poor. Well trained muscles can also increase the amount of calories you burn every day and even help you lose weight, because muscle is the most metabolically active tissue of the body. learn home remedies for cellulite naturally

Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Exercises to Get Rid of Cellulite - Effective Anti Cellulite Treatment

get rid of cellulite
Can exercise get rid of cellulite?
If you are serious about losing the orange peel skin and cottage cheese thighs, then exercise should definitely be part of your plan to get rid of your cellulite. But before you are able to remove cellulite it is important to have a basic understanding of what cellulite is.

What is Cellulite?
The lumpiness and dimpling appearance of cellulite is caused by fat deposits that push and distort the connective tissues beneath the skin. Cellulite may appear whether you are fat or skinny since the main contributing factor is a genetic difference in how connective tissue and fatty tissue form. In order to get rid of cellulite you must lower your body fat percentage and tone the muscle to tighten skin.

What Exercises Get Rid of Cellulite?
So you want to know how to get rid of cellulite naturally? In order to reduce the appearance of cellulite your exercise routine should focus of burning fat and toning lean muscle. By doing this you are reducing your overall body fat percentage and building and toning your lean muscle acts to tighten and smooth the areas where cellulite appears.

Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

10 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite Entirely

get rid of cellulite
Although get rid of cellulite has developed to be a disturbing issue to many people, there are very effective ways that you can follow to help you achieve your goals. Cellulite is among the most disturbing skin conditions that commonly occur in women than men. It is brought about by hormonal imbalances, poor diet, weight gain, lack of enough exercises among other causes.

Cellulite normally lowers your self esteem as a result of forming unpleasant looks on your skin. Once you are through with reading this page, you will have the ability to treat cellulite on your skin because the page outlines briefly some of the most effective procedures of getting rid of cellulite completely.

1. Apply apple cider vinegar

Besides being the best and effective way of getting rid of cellulite completely, apple cider vinegar serves as the best hair treatment. As a remedy for cellulite, apple cider vinegar can be directly taken orally where 2tbsp of apple cider vinegar and 8 ounces of water are mixed and taken or 3 parts of apple cider vinegar and one part of water mixed and applied on the affected area. Great improvements will be felt after a very short period of repeated usage of apple cider vinegar.

2. Regulate your diet

Avoid food with a lot of fats and sugar and instead, consume a lot of fiber and wholegrain to help in getting rid of wastes as well as toxins. Besides, consume a lot of fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water on a daily basis. Besides, stop smoking, drinking alcohol and caffeine consumption and salty foods.

3. Apply grapefruit oil

Having astringent skin toner properties makes grapefruit oil an effective remedy for cellulite. Besides, getting rid of cellulite, grapefruit oil plays a role of an effective cleanser to your system.

4. Use horse chase nut bark

The horse chase nut bark has aescin which is vital in getting rid of cellulite. Horse chase nut not only removes cellulite from your skin but is also used to get rid of wrinkles, ease nighttime leg cramps, tone the walls of veins, and make the fragile capillarity that have been damaged by trauma more stable.